Top 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Start a Blog

Blogging is here to stay. One is hard-pressed in this day and age to find anyone under the age of 30 who doesn't know what a blog is. Anyone can maintain a blog. There aren't any rules when it comes to blogging really other than to have the ability to produce original content. It's not necessary to be witty or satirical although it is helpful.

If you have been thinking about starting a blog of your own, or wondering what the blog buzz is all about, then this article is for you. Outlined below are 10 reasons why YOU should start a blog.

1. Blogging is fun.

There a hundreds of sites dedicated to hosting blogs. Most, if not all, have templates and add-ons that allow you to customize your blog. You will have you own personalized corner of the web in no time.

2. Blogging is therapeutic.

...especially if you use your blog for venting your frustrations about anything. After a long, hard day at work or play, a blog is a wonderful place to unwind and regain your focus. Most blogging platforms allow commenting, you can often gain useful insight from commentators offering constructive thoughts. Your blog is an unconditional listener.

3. Blogging is a great way to share your voice.

If you are an individual who is opinionated by nature or passionate about a certain topic, your blog is an open forum waiting for your views. You can share your thoughts with the world no matter what they are. Blogging will offer you the chance to meet like-minded people and host friendly debates with opposing views.

4. Blogging is the easiest and cheapest way to self-publish.

There are a myriad of self-publishers who will charge an arm and a leg to put your name in print. Then you are still left to market your work yourself. If you are going to promote yourself, you might as well do it via blogging and save yourself a small fortune in printing costs. Not to mention there is huge potential to reach a wider audience because you have the Wide World Web at your fingertips.

5. Blogging is an excellent networking resource.

Once you have created your blog and begun to post regularly, it's time to network and reach a larger audience. The internet has dozens of places dedicated solely to bloggers for URL submission, RSS feed distribution, and blogging communities to join. You will never want for new sites and ways to promote your blog.

6. Blogging allows you to focus on a targeted audience.

When you are considering blogging for the first time, you should think about who you want your audience to be. Are you simply writing a running record of your life? Are you trying to make a point? Perhaps you are writing to help and inspire others. It's a good idea to pick a particular niche and stick to it. This will help with networking and also promoting.

7. Blogging provides a platform for self-education.

A blog is a great place to document experience. Whether you are trying out a new kind of skin cream or testing a new affiliate marketing client, blogging gives you the opportunity to learn from you experiences as well as share those experiences with others. Allowing others to gain from your experiences can earn a great reputation in the Blogosphere.

8. Blogging can make you money.

It's not a secret that maintaining a blog can make you money. There are thousands of resources online that will give you the necessary tools you need to start earning from your writing. You can monetize your blog using one or more of several methods such as: pay-per-click advertising, affiliate programs, pay-per-post, paid reviews, etc. It is a lot easier and more possible than it may sound, and anyone can do it.

9. Blogging can used to communicate with friends and family.

If you have a lot friends and family members who all want to know what's going on in your life, there is no better way to reach an audience than by blogging about your days. You can keep family and friends abreast of events, life changes, and anything else worthy of note. It's the absolute perfect way to keep an informed and supportive group close even when miles may separate you.

10. Blogging makes for an entertaining hobby.

Whether you are blogging for your hobby or blogging about a hobby, writing for yourself and others is entertaining. You can be yourself and write about anything you desire. The more your blog fulfills the purpose you have in mind when you start it, the more entertaining it will be for you.

To study any of the above topics in further detail, one need only to conduct a simple Google search. Don't neglect the information available to you all over the web via blogging sites, online forums, and other blogs. Best of luck to you, now get started on that new blog!!!

For more information about getting paid to blog, see:

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