When to Monetize a New Blog

One of the most difficult decisions a new blogger must face is when to start monetizing their blog. Several opinions exist on this topic with all arguments raising valid points. Some abhor the monetization of blogs. At the other end of the spectrum, some start blogs only for the hope of money. So, as a new blogger, what route is best to take? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of a few options so you will be better informed when faced with this decision.

No monetization

The idea of blogs and the evolution (or revolution) of the internet in recent years has led to more free sharing of information. In a way, bloggers have allowed the online community to take back the internet from huge corporations that would prefer to charge for every work or informational bit found in cyberspace. However, as blogs have become increasingly more popular and prevalent, the shift in information sharing has started to move back in the direction of monetization rather than freely sharing without thought of monetary gain. In the purist's eyes, a blog with ads is an abomination.

Early monetization

As stated before, many bloggers have read the stories and promises of wealth and started to blog simply for the money. These blogs are new (less than 3 months old) and already show lots of ads. The problem is that the content suffers or is nonexistent. The ads clutter the page and look unsightly. Most visitors click the back button very quickly on these sites. A problem arises, however, when the content is good but the ads and layout are so poor that visitors again leave quickly.

Early monetization can be added on a small scale without being obtrusive. A single block of text link advertising such as AdSense can be placed above the fold and still be attractive.

Late monetization

This method refers to waiting and allowing a blog to grow before placing ads on the site. Many experts agree that this is the best way to make money from a blog. This category typically includes blogs that are three months or older and have at least 30 posts. A downside to this monetization technique involves your prospective community having become accustomed to an ad free blog. When the ads appear, some regular readers will be upset and leave. Most will understand and all will be well.

Deciding if and when to monetize a blog can seem like a daunting task. It is important to note that a blogger cannot please every visitor every day. However, with a little planning and good ad placement and layout, there is money to be made from blogging especially if you are passionate about your topic - but that's another article altogether.

Thomas Smith is a blogger and the owner of two successful blogs - Online Income Project and Generating Inexpensive Website and Blog Traffic. He lives on a small ranch in Idaho with his family.

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