Learn From A Newbie?

Finally, a Newbie is an Expert!

Yep, you heard it right, folks, this here internet marketing newbie is an expert-I mean my situation was probably not much different than yours, when I made the decision, taking the bold plunge into this mysterious, hugely profitable business. Yes I am an expert at investing large sums of money in product and making sure that my account alone will continue to fund payroll for Google Adwords staff, with out making me one penny. Yes, my experience thus far on my best 5 days was a conversion rate of, hold on let me calculate that-oh, what is there to calculate-0!! What exactly does this expert status mean? (Well read on-it may sound a bit familiar to some of you.)

Well for starters, I think I own just about every e-Book and am on every sucker list because of it, on the subjects of: affiliate marketing, pay per click strategy, SEO, CSS, Blogging for bucks, wealth and income stream generation, how to pick up girls and get my golf score below 80. ( I had to get those last two so I could tell people I wasted my money on some of the information. Seriously, I think I became obsessed with the search for the holy grail, or perhaps some might even say that I became a bit, well, Quixotic-you know chasing that proverbial windmill of the internet gods.

I mean, after all, the internet population is huge. You know, it is kinda like opening a hot dog stand in NYC-how can you fail-sell a couple hundred hot dogs out of a population of 10,000,000, how hard is that. Well I really don't know-but I gotta tell ya I bet a bunch of the money that I have already spent on all that crap I already mentioned that as hard as that may be-it ain't any harder than breaking into this business with a population base several times larger than NYC's population base.

OK, I should not be so hard on all of the info and e-books out there-after all, most have anywhere from minimal value to exceptional value. Some are darn near copies of others-neat thing is, no one cares because you mess with me and I mess with you-"sharing" seems pretty rampant in this business. More importantly, they are the products that I am attempting to sell, and soon, when I graduate from a four star Newbie status and get my Internet Marketing Guru Wings status, or please god, Affiliate Rockstar Status, making millions of dollars, I too, will become a publisher of a most incredible e-book, that enjoys a record breaking launch of all time, albeit I will limit it to only as many copies as folks are willing to buy!

OK, so let's get to the heart of the matter. In every product there is a bit, a kernel of information missing. Some times it is a "how to", other times it is a "oh, and don't forget to..."-there is always something missing. Then once you actually discover it, at the cost of going broke, you get that "aha" and it makes all of the somewhat unpleasant experiences worthwhile. Well, I at long last after about 3 months now have one profitable PPC campaign running, making me a couple thousand a month after ad spend. I see the light, and it is not a train coming towards me! And I have started, yes, sit down, building my double opt in list--every real marketer does need a group of people that look forward to receiving his newsletter and or other information.

While my full IM Guru wings have not come completely out, I now know a bunch more than 3-4 months ago. I want to share a few things with you briefly, which, because of my experiences, may greatly reduce your learning curve time and save you a lot of money. So Here ya go:

Stop buying all of those ebooks and other products--you have enough!!

Find the one or two you want to focus on and develop a successful marketing/sales campaign that turns you a profit

Get a quality Autoresponder, (they are not expensive--about $20.00 a month) and start building a list

Build a List

Build a List, oh yes this is very important--and treat those list members with love and respect, do not spam them, send them only quality info and they will reward you with many, many sales.

Get your own domain and host, they too are not expensive, early on do shared hosting. Your domain will cost you about $8 per year and your hosted shared server will run about $9-$20 per month.

Learn how to set up and start using videos to help your products convert better and get more opt in leads to your list.

Oh, if I forgot to mention it--start building a list, offer free product for exchange of name and email address, along with other information like address, phone etc. If what you offer is of value, you will get opt-ins to your list.

Good Luck!

Oliver has spent nearly 20 years l corporate marketing and sales for three NYSE companies.He publishes three newsletters for Internet Marketers. visit him at: http://www.larryoliver.net/5Tools or email larry@larryoliver.net

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