comScore Ranks Top Web Sites in Germany for September

- Back to School Rush Boosts Traffic to Online Retail Properties

- ProSiebenSat1 Sites Breaks into Top Ten Online Properties in Germany

comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its report on the top Internet properties and fastest growing properties in Germany for September, based on data collected through the comScore World Metrix audience measurement service.

Google was the most visited property in Germany with 23.2 million unique visitors age 15 or older, reaching 70 percent of the total German Internet audience. Google was followed by eBay, which last month overtook Microsoft Sites to become the second most visited property from within Germany. The online marketplace served 17.7 million unique visitors in September, having grown 2.1 percent from the previous month.

Boosted by back-to-school shopping at the beginning of the month, online retail sites proved particularly popular in September. One such site, Otto Gruppe, was the fastest growing of the Top 10 German properties, increasing total traffic by 8.8 percent to 13.7 million unique visitors. It was joined by Arcandor AG, a property which controls a number of online retail channels including and more...

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