For Blogger 2.0?

Jason Tsang's all set up at Blogger, and, along with the rest of us, learning more about Blogging means coming to terms with the limitations. He's thinking of switching hosts:

Why would I think this? For the following reasons:

  1. Lack of posting categories
  2. Lack of a true trackback facility
  3. Lack of RSS feeds for comments
  4. (Related to point 1) Lack of RSS feeds for posting categories
  5. Inflexibility of Blogger to host files other than photos
  6. Need for better template creation/editing tools
Of course we at Freshblog have a number of hacks and tricks that can work around these limitations, but here's a further articulation of the need for Blogger 2.0, if and when such an upgrade occurs, to reflect the current and future state of the art. Blogging is currently a much more dynamic activity than the default platform allows. For a thread on this, see Stephen's Blog Platform survey, and the discussion of necessary additional features at Googlist.

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