The foundation for internet marketing is optimal organic search engine placement. In order to maintain high rankings, stay ahead of the competition and accommodate new search engine algorithms, continuous search engine optimization (SEO) is performed. Houston-based TopSpot has a smart, comprehensive approach to SEO. In the ever-evolving world of optimization techniques, our philosophy is to be open, educated and perform exceptional work.
Instead of trying to keep everything a secret, we are an open book and want to educate each client on search engine optimization. We are not expecting our clients to become "experts" but want them to be involved in the overall strategy and what our goals are. We continuously educate each other as well, by keeping up to date on the latest search engine algorithm changes and holding weekly SEO meetings to discuss ideas.Pricing
It is not unheard of for one company to get quotes from competing companies ranging from hundreds of dollars to thousands. Clients want to make a good decision, but it is difficult to know if they are comparing apples to apples. Our pricing allows clients to understand what they are getting. We sell our SEO services based on the hours needed for your company each month. Our in-house, Houston SEO team commits to those hours each month and performs the optimization tasks needed to achieve our goals.Accountability
In addition to educating our clients, another unique approach of ours is to journal all of our work and provide this to the clients monthly. This enables our clients to really understand what they are paying for and see it on paper. We have found that by being transparent, they are able to understand that there is no "quick fix" and they appreciate the work that our team does.It helps clients see really how long a task may take to ensure they have the right expectations.Team
We constantly hear of companies getting burned because their SEO provider quit, did not offer any accountability, did not deliver any results or performed �black hat tactics�. We want to protect our clients and TopSpot from this. Each SEO client is handled by our Customer Relationship Teams(CRTs). All the team members are familiar with the customer, their business, the strategy and what the goals are. By handling each client with a team we can offer a cohesive search marketing strategy that leverages SEO, paid search, conversion improvement, and website analytics.
Our SEOs are a tight-knit group, challenging each other with optimization questions and collaborating on website fixes. We work hard to be the brightest Houston SEO team out there.